130R105. The property described in section 130R104 means property that is(a) included in Class 1 in Schedule B pursuant to paragraph h or i of that class;
(b) included in Class 6 in Schedule B pursuant to paragraph j of that class:
(c) included in Class 10 in Schedule B pursuant to any of subparagraphs i to iii of subparagraph m of the second paragraph of that class;
(d) included in Class 28 in Schedule B pursuant to subparagraph ii of subparagraph e of the first paragraph of that class, except for a property described in subparagraph iv of subparagraph m of the second paragraph of Class 10;
(e) included in Class 35 in Schedule B;
(f) a bridge, a culvert, a subway or a tunnel used for a railway track and grading and included in Class 1 in Schedule B;
(g) a trestle used for a railway track and grading and included in Class 3 in Schedule B;
(h) machinery or equipment included in Class 8 in Schedule B and used for a railway track and grading or a property that is railway traffic control or signalling equipment, including switching, block signalling, interlocking, crossing protection, detection, speed-control or retarding equipment, but not including property that is principally electronic equipment or systems software therefor; or
(i) machinery or equipment included in Class 8 in Schedule B and that was acquired principally for purposes of maintenance or service of a railway locomotive or railway car or was used as part of either.